Black Ops 4 Didn't Get Starter Pack

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 doesn't have single player... And I feel dumb for not knowing

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  • #1
I must have missed that whole drama at the time. I bought it and spent a while navigating the menu thinking I was missing something... I guess I was. Still, it's my fault for not doing the research.

Pretty disappointed as someone who only plays single player. Hope they don't keep doing this moving forward.

  • #2
It was just this year. They've said that on numerous occasions.

MW4 that comes out this fall has a SP.

  • #3
Guess you should've checked the numbers, Mason.
  • #4
I must have missed that whole drama at the time. I bought it and spent a while navigating the menu thinking I was missing something... I guess I was. Still, it's my fault for not doing the research.

Pretty disappointed as someone who only plays single player. Hope they don't keep doing this moving forward.

Lucky for you, the next Call of Duty is confirmed to have single player. I do have to admit I was really disappointed in the lack of single player in Black Ops 4. After Black Ops 2 I had a lot of hope that they would keep their campaigns that exciting (Bo2 is one of my favorite COD stories), but Bo3 and the lack of one in Bo4 let me down.
  • #5
Naming it Blops4 was a really shitty thing to do.

Should have made a new series name for MP only CoD.

  • #6
Naming it Blops4 was a really shitty thing to do.

Should have made a new series name for MP only CoD.

you know that game is directly connected to previous black ops games, right?
  • #7
Naming it Blops4 was a really shitty thing to do.

Should have made a new series name for MP only CoD.

Since the game still part of the Black Ops universe, has the same characters, continues the previous Black Ops zombie storylines... Calling it something else would just be confusing.
  • #8
you know that game is directly connected to previous black ops games, right?

Sure sure, but call it Blops - Special Activities or something like that. Numbering it directly on Blops makes it seem like it will be an equivalent entry, when it's something else.

Blops 1 - SP and MP
Blops 2 - SP and MP
Blops 3 - SP and MP
Blops 4 - MP

  • #9
Fall 2018 sorta sucked for me because there was no COD campaign for the first time in a very long time. Even though they're not always amazing I look forward to my CODathon each fall leading up to the newest COD.
  • #10
Gotta do better research on games you buy, especially as we continue into an inevitable digital only future where it'll be harder to get a refund.
  • #11
At least you're not on PC where multiplayer barely exists.
  • #12
Sure sure, but call it Blops - Special Activities or something like that. Numbering it directly on Blops makes it seem like it will be an equivalent entry, when it's something else.

Blops 1 - SP and MP
Blops 2 - SP and MP
Blops 3 - SP and MP
Blops 4 - MP

i mean it's still have biggest part of black ops serie (zombie & MP) and some form of story.
  • #13
i mean it's still have biggest part of black ops serie (zombie & MP) and some form of story.

Biggest could be eye of the beholder though, because people value different things.

I don't play COD MP, it's just not interesting for me. But I appreciate the campaigns because they're usually over the top 5-10hr action movies basically.

OTOH, I don't play BF SP, usually just bores me at some point early on, and MP is why I buy them.

If Blops4 was SP and Zombies only, it would be just as misleading. It's decidedly less complete than previous entries, mitigated slightly later on if you happen to want a BR MP mode.

Maybe it was because the Blops3 campaign I don't think was received very well, but a lot of people really liked 1 and 2 main story/game. 4 chose to simply skip it entirely rather than return to that quality.

  • #14
Biggest could be eye of the beholder though, because people value different things.

youre a clown if you think the single player component is bigger than the main moneymaker lmfao
  • #15
It's not like they couldn't afford a campaign either. It would have sold even better.
  • #16
I think there's some multiplayer tutorials that serve as some kind of story thing, but they are very much not in the same league as the typical CoD campaign.
  • #17
At least you're not on PC where multiplayer barely exists.

That would again be a user error like the OP. There's data out there showing CoD is not very alive on PC and has not been for like 10 years. You gotta be nuts to buy something like CoD or a fighting game on PC imo.
  • #18
It's not like they couldn't afford a campaign either. It would have sold even better.

Report was that the campaign's development went belly up as they had gotten too ambitious and a scaled back product would've never made release
  • #19
youre a clown if you think the single player component is bigger than the main moneymaker lmfao

Show me where I said it was bigger.


  • #20
Report was that the campaign's development went belly up as they had gotten too ambitious and a scaled back product would've never made release
In that case fair enough and I can get behind it. Hopefully they finish it for the inevitable BOV in 3 years.
  • #22
Biggest could be eye of the beholder though, because people value different things.
Biggest in term of number of players and playtimes.
  • #23
They should have just called BLOPs4 "Call of Duty: Blackout" that's it. They probably just added BLOPs 4 so that it would sell more copies.
  • #24
Biggest in term of number of players and playtimes.

Oh for sure, no argument there.

Individually though, for someone that loves COD SP, and doesn't enjoy MP as much or at all, that doesn't matter.

And vice versa, those that prefer or only play the MP feel the opposite.

'Bigger' is different for these groups of people. One being larger doesn't make the other not exist. McDonald's dwarfs In n out and five guys put together, so it's 'bigger'. But for someone that prefers one of the others, it's meaningless.

  • #25
I imagine there are a lot of people like the OP. Some people love toting that COD is a casual series with many that buy it not knowing or following much of the happenings of gaming yet expect these people to be fully aware. Many of us were but its not like Activision went out of there way to advertise that there would be no single player.

Many probably just saw the cover and without hesitation bought it as they are use to single player and multiplayer from the series.

  • #26
They should have just called BLOPs4 "Call of Duty: Blackout" that's it. They probably just added BLOPs 4 so that it would sell more copies.

Agreed, and agreed.
  • #27
They should have just called BLOPs4 "Call of Duty: Blackout" that's it. They probably just added BLOPs 4 so that it would sell more copies.

Or maybe because it's actually a Black Ops game with Black Ops related content?
  • #28
Or maybe because it's actually a Black Ops game with Black Ops related content?

Yeah like microtransactions and loot boxes!!!
  • #29
Sure sure, but call it Blops - Special Activities or something like that. Numbering it directly on Blops makes it seem like it will be an equivalent entry, when it's something else.

Blops 1 - SP and MP
Blops 2 - SP and MP
Blops 3 - SP and MP
Blops 4 - MP

The thing is the campaign not being there wasn't the original idea. It was suppose to have a campaign but Activision didn't like for whatever reasons, some say because it was too out there (eventhough BO3 was *out there*)....but it seems like the quality of the campaign itself suffered. Treyarch wanted to make a campaign with coop where two teams of two compete for the same objectives separately in some way and they only managed to get a few levels working which wasn't enough for Activision as it was super short even by COD standards and there wasn't enough time to do more. So they scrapped it altogether and then after some point Raven was tasked to make Blackout.
  • #30
Yeah like microtransactions and loot boxes!!!

Haha very funny
  • #31
Or maybe because it's actually a Black Ops game with Black Ops related content?
You mean skinned multiplayer characters? Or the lack of single player story the made the game what it is to begin with.
  • #32
yea really sucks it didn't have it, its the first cod I have ever skipped entirely, since ghosts I've always bought them later but bought them this one is a hard pass and I liked black ops games.
  • #33
The thing is the campaign not being there wasn't the original idea. It was suppose to have a campaign but Activision didn't like for whatever reasons, some say because it was too out there (eventhough BO3 was *out there*)....but it seems like the quality of the campaign itself suffered. Treyarch wanted to make a campaign with coop where two teams of two compete for the same objectives separately in some way and they only managed to get a few levels working which wasn't enough for Activision as it was super short even by COD standards and there wasn't enough time to do more. So they scrapped it altogether and then after some point Raven was tasked to make Blackout.

Makes sense, probably kept the Blops4 name despite the content being cut mainly because that's what it was always called and expected to be.

Kind of cool that they were thinking of different ideas for the campaign, though it sounds like that might have been online only? Or local 4P split screen lol? Makes me think of hilarious GoldenEye times.

  • #34
You mean skinned multiplayer characters? Or the lack of single player story the made the game what it is to begin with.

Characters, maps, gadgets, zombies storyline,...etc. are all related to previous Black Ops games or the Black Ops universe. Let's not pretend that a story mode is the only way it can be a Black Ops game.
  • #35
Characters, maps, gadgets, zombies storyline,...etc. are all related to previous Black Ops games or the Black Ops universe. Let's not pretend that a story mode is the only way it can be a Black Ops game.

Mario Odyssey and Paper Mario Sticker Star both share characters, backstory elements, location/lore stuff, are all related to the Mario universe.

But they're not directly numbered entries because they're wildly different.

Despite Blops 4 being themed similarly to the others, the content gap is pretty big.

It's why I think it should have gotten a spin-off name. Blops : Something.

Heck, it could even have been an opportunity for Acti to launch more cheaper to produce COD entries using that same naming convention. For example a Switch COD entry. COD MW : Mobile Assault, etc.

  • #36
Characters, maps, gadgets, zombies storyline,...etc. are all related to previous Black Ops games or the Black Ops universe. Let's not pretend that a story mode is the only way it can be a Black Ops game.

There is also those cutscenes you get from completing the Specialist stories that show what was happening between BO2 and BO3. Not to mention they also made free comics for BO4's specialist that further explore this.
  • #37
Characters, maps, gadgets, zombies storyline,...etc. are all related to previous Black Ops games or the Black Ops universe. Let's not pretend that a story mode is the only way it can be a Black Ops game.
Not pretending. But I'm sure I'm not the only that feels that BLOPs4 is just a cash grab.

BLOPs4 may have gadgets, maps and zombies (something that is highly encourage to play co-ops) but it still feels empty unlike the games before it that did have SP.

That's my point. It could have literally been called something else entirely and still make money for them but because it has the same character skins with their respective gadgets, maps and Zombies (which has been in every BLOPs), Advance Warfare had zombies, WWII had zombies, Wold At War had zombies. It's really no longer a BLOPs thing as other studios have embraced adding zombies to their COD games.

  • #38
Not pretending. But I'm sure I'm not the only that feels that BLOPs4 is just a cash grab.

BLOPs4 may have gadgets, maps and zombies (something that is highly encourage to play co-ops) but it still feels empty unlike the games before it that did have SP.

That's my point. It could have literally been called something else entirely and still make money for them but because it has the same character skins with their respective gadgets, maps and Zombies (which has been in every BLOPs), Advance Warfare had zombies, WWII had zombies, Wold At War had zombies. It's really no longer a BLOPs thing as other studios have embraced adding zombies to their COD games.

I think you missed the point on the zombie part.

BO4 zombies continues the Aether storyline. Sure, [email protected] was technically the start of that storyline but it wasn't really fleshed out until BO1.

Also AW Zombies did not connect to WWII. Just like IW zombies didn't connect to any other zombie mode before or after it.

  • #39
youre a clown if you think the single player component is bigger than the main moneymaker lmfao

Most people play CoDs single player and never return to the game after finishing it.

Sure multiplayer makes probably more money for the publisher.

It was just a trap for consumers to name a mp only game like a regular one.

  • #40
It's such a shame really. COD games are at their best with their campaigns. Even though BLOP 3 was the worst campaign ever they should have at least some form of a campaign.

This year's COD will have one and Infinity Ward is doing it. :) Infinite Warfare was low key one of the best campaigns in recent years

  • #41
Most people play CoDs single player and never return to the game after finishing it.

Sure multiplayer makes probably more money for the publisher.

It was just a trap for consumers to name a mp only game like a regular one.

Well this is just factually wrong.

38% of people beat the fantastic WW2 campaign.
87% of people got 10 kills in the multiplayer

Now even if you wanna say 'well yea they played 1 match and stopped'. FOURTY FOUR PERCENT of people won five matches of War mode, the worst multiplayer mode in the game by a mile. I prestiged twice and probably didn't play War more than 3 times. Whether you or other forum posters want to come to the realization or not, majority buy the game for multiplayer.

All that said, yea I would like the campaign to return, because as I said WW2 was a pretty damn great FPS campaign. I'm just not going to be delusional about it.

  • #42
That would again be a user error like the OP. There's data out there showing CoD is not very alive on PC and has not been for like 10 years. You gotta be nuts to buy something like CoD or a fighting game on PC imo.

For an Infinity Ward or Slegehammer game post MW3 I agree 100% but this is the A-team Treyarch and you can still find matches in Black Ops 2 & 3 on Steam no problem. Black Ops 1 lasted many years thanks to being the last game with server browsers and the community running them. Black Ops 4 has had a massive dropoff I never seen from Treyarch. Last night, it took 4-6 minutes on average to start a regular quad match in Blackout. This is with most of the modes stripped out compared to console.
  • #43
Most people play CoDs single player and never return to the game after finishing it.

Sure multiplayer makes probably more money for the publisher.

It was just a trap for consumers to name a mp only game like a regular one.

Imagine being this out of touch.
  • #44
Mario Odyssey and Paper Mario Sticker Star both share characters, backstory elements, location/lore stuff, are all related to the Mario universe.

But they're not directly numbered entries because they're wildly different.

Despite Blops 4 being themed similarly to the others, the content gap is pretty big.

It's why I think it should have gotten a spin-off name. Blops : Something.

Heck, it could even have been an opportunity for Acti to launch more cheaper to produce COD entries using that same naming convention. For example a Switch COD entry. COD MW : Mobile Assault, etc.

That's the worst comparison I've ever read on Era so far. Then why was it Mario Galaxy 2? Do you call that a cash grab too? Why didn't they go with a different title? Because it's directly related to the previous game. The same thing with BLOP4.

And what content gap that is pretty big? They just removed the short campaign and added BR mode instead. It is a Black Ops game. Lack of a campaign doesn't make it not-BLOPS no matter how you put it.

  • #45
Sure sure, but call it Blops - Special Activities or something like that. Numbering it directly on Blops makes it seem like it will be an equivalent entry, when it's something else.

Blops 1 - SP and MP
Blops 2 - SP and MP
Blops 3 - SP and MP
Blops 4 - MP

So the MP, which is by and large THE reason people buy CoD games should be referred to as "Special Activities" and the only reason it should be called Black Ops is because of the campaign?
  • #46
For an Infinity Ward or Slegehammer game post MW3 I agree 100% but this is the A-team Treyarch and you can still find matches in Black Ops 2 & 3 on Steam no problem. Black Ops 1 lasted many years thanks to being the last game with server browsers and the community running them. Black Ops 4 has had a massive dropoff I never seen from Treyarch. Last night, it took 4-6 minutes on average to start a regular quad match in Blackout. This is with most of the modes stripped out compared to console.
The whole 'you can find matches' is not a good line of thinking. There is 1,100 people playing Black Ops 2 PC right now. If you factor in the size of the world there might be 70-150 people in your ping range to play with?

I love FPS with m/kb and 144hz but not enough that I will buy a game I know is going to be that dead, that fast. Except for that time I bought the hype on Batallion, that old school CoD throwback game. Man that game died fast.

  • #47
Gotta do better research on games you buy, especially as we continue into an inevitable digital only future where it'll be harder to get a refund.
Yeah, I mentioned it in the op. It's my fault, but still disappointing.
  • #48
The whole 'you can find matches' is not a good line of thinking. There is 1,100 people playing Black Ops 2 PC right now. If you factor in the size of the world there might be 70-150 people in your ping range to play with?

I love FPS with m/kb and 144hz but not enough that I will buy a game I know is going to be that dead, that fast. Except for that time I bought the hype on Batallion, that old school CoD throwback game. Man that game died fast.

Black Ops 2 is also 7 years old and even having 1k players on PC isn't terrible. I booted it back end of February and it was a wonderful experience compared to the bloated nonsense Black Ops 4 is now. Find a match, loads instantly into the match and 10 second countdown to it starting. Was also playing Black Ops 2 on and off for 3 years with no issues until Black Ops 3 came out.

Now a typical Black Ops 4 lobby is usually 30 seconds for voting, 30 seconds waiting for nothing, loading into the game, 20 seconds to pick your specialist and then the game starts. Again, it's only been 7 months since it launched. I do wish player count was public but moving to prevents that.

I don't blame anyone for getting a "dead" game on PC but myself and my friends had no issues finding games for years. This is the first time where it's been a real bad experience.

  • #49
So the MP, which is by and large THE reason people buy CoD games should be referred to as "Special Activities" and the only reason it should be called Black Ops is because of the campaign?

Nearly ~40% of people actually beat the WW2 Campaign. Even if that's down to ~30% for a Blops title, that's still literally millions of people.

And even on a metric of players who actually bother to complete a SP game, that's REALLY good :

But more importantly still is that Blops4 broke the standard deal : Campaign and MP in a mainline CoD game. Both were important to a great many people. YES, for the billionth time, MP is more popular overall in the series. That doesn't invalidate the SP part of the equation. Now we also understand that pretty deep into development, the SP portion was just not coming together in time, so they scrapped it, and kept the name. That's fine, I don't think anybody should be gathering pitchforks or anything. But it would have been nicer if they'd at least given it a bit of a spinoff title, or more prominently noted : NO SP on the cover. The brand is so well established that a number of more casual players who may buy one on a whim every few years may not have gotten the memo that this thing is stripped of something they may care about.

A spinoff title naming convention could make it easier for them to release additional related games in between mainline titles, and on other platforms as well. Like for Switch, iOS, Android, etc. Porting a mainline ~100GB entry into Switch would be not great, and direct 1:1 comparisons would fare poorly there. However a Switch exclusive MP only game in the COD universe and formula could be pretty big I'd think, given the dearth of other options there in the genre. Certainly no Battlefield or Apex or PUBG on Switch to split the opportunity with.

I have no problem with those that disagree and think COD is fine without SP. It's just slightly annoying to see people dismiss people out of hand or in incredibly condescending ways because 'Only MP matters'. Not saying you're doing that specifically, but I've seen a LOT of that in these discussions. Only MP may matter most to you personally, or to a higher % of COD players, but NOT TO EVERYONE. It's a silly statement when you literally have evidence of millions of people not only playing the most recent campaign, but playing it all the way through to completion (beyond typical SP-only game completion rates).

  • #50
On this topic: Jason Schreier is gonna write a piece on Black Ops 4's development in the coming weeks
Treyarch claimed the game doesn't have a campaign simply because it wasn't part of the plan, which I refuse to believe. I'm guessing they were indeed developing a campaign, but those developers were needed so Activision could jump onto the Battle Royale bandwagon with Blackout and BR is probably a better seller than a campaign.

Black Ops 4 Didn't Get Starter Pack


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